Have you upgraded your broadband plan to meet your needs for porn?

I'm not going to tell you that you have a porn addiction for sure just because you said "yes" to these questions. To do so would only increase the "judgments" you may already have placed on yourself. Then perhaps there is something there for you to investigate if some of these questions do apply to you.

An addict will frequently put all of their energy into trying to kick the habit. 

They'll tell themselves things like, "I'm not going to do it for seven days," as goals. There may even be a reward at the end, such as "if I abstain for two weeks, I'll reward myself with a..." They frequently ponder the reasons behind their behaviour and the causes of it. Their addiction may start to dominate their thoughts and way of life, and overcoming it may have a profound effect on how they feel.

In my experience working with clients, persistent behaviours like addictions to pornography frequently point to a person's lack of other things in their life. leakhive While it's important to keep an eye on addictive behaviour, finding a better balance in life often requires putting more of one's attention on other areas of one's life, such as relationships, problems with one's family of origin, and other hidden emotions that are itching to be explored and heard.

Men occasionally use addictive behaviours as a way to mask or bury another aspect of their lives that they don't feel ready to face. Some men might not even be aware that these other problems exist, let alone what they are.

Cycles of porn addiction are possible. 

There may be times when someone accesses pornography so frequently that they are almost unable to stop. There are also other times when the feeling is not as strong, when life is interesting and full of activities that one does not even consider porn, or possibly when there isn't an opportunity. Because of the cycle of addiction, men may occasionally make a commitment to get treatment for their addiction, but fail to follow through when they start to feel less dependent on or drawn to porn. Then the cycle starts over.

My professional experience and education lead me to believe that it is very difficult for someone to find a "solution" to their addiction on their own or to overcome their addiction. It is typically necessary to enlist some assistance. It can be extremely challenging for many men to ask their friends and family for support because of the nature of porn addictions. Perhaps they don't want other people to know.


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